Guidelines for spectacle prescribing in infants and children
Age group
Infant -->
>Up to
+5D prescription +2D less than the error
higher RE more than 2D can be subtracted but the pt should not be left mor
than 4 hyp
less than 4D no need pre-scrip
children in this age group with more than .75D of astigmatism should have
astigmatism correction
>Pt with
>2.5D of hyp should be FU yearly
>Up to -2 can be
tolerated by pt in this age group
>Higher amount of
myopia should be correct less than 1 of the full correction
>Astigmatism of .75D or
more should be fully corrected
>1.5 D requires full
>.5 less than full can
be prescribed
>Hyperopia difference
1.5 should be pre scrip
>Myopic 3D
>Astigmatism of .75 or
more in one eye full astigmatic correction
>With astigmatism in ou
the pt should be corrected so as leave more than .5D incorrect end in each
2---> 5 yrs
In this age group if there
is no significant refraction error and there is no symptoms myopia ,
hyperopia less than 3 and astigmatism less than .75 then there is no need for
>Up to 4
with normal VA and no ocular symptoms no need for glasses
>Greater than 4 and no ocular symptoms glasses are prescribed with 2 less than full and full astigmatism correction >FU |
>These pt can tolerate
RE of less than 1D
>Large RE will require
full correction with full astigmatism correction
>For astigmatism
between 1 to 2 glasses are prescribed foe eye tasks only
>For astigmatism >2
full correction and full time wear is recommended
>When associated with
hyp astigmatism as low as .75 should be prescribed
>Of 1.5 and no
associated ocular symptoms glasses may not be prescribed but 6 month FU
>If ocular symptoms are
present , glasses are recommend to maintain fusion
>For hyperopic pt
glasses are prescribed 1.5 less than full equally in both eye so that equal
accommodation in ou
>For myopic pt full RE
is given
>For astigmatism any
difference of .75D or more between the two eyes requires
>For higher degrees of
anisometropia (+5) CL are more useful to pt
5 yrs --->
and above
Should bring
VA to 20/20
>If pt shows symptoms
RE of as low as +3D half the full correction is given with full astigmatic
correction if needed
>More than 3 glasses
are prescribed with 2 less than full correction
>Great than .75 the
full correction is prescribed
>Pt with .5 to 1
complain because they are making constant efforts to keep their vision clear
>With errors over .75
full correction should prescribed
Care should be taken in
prescribing for children with errors greater than 1.5D as they may not
tolerate the glasses initially because of change in shape of objects the
prescription should be worn constantly until the pt has adapted to their new
perception of their surrounding.
>If error differ by
1.5Ds or 1Dc then amblyopia is likely to be present glasses and occlusion
therapy are recommended.